Workforce Training
North Dakota New Jobs Training – State-funded training program which helps new or expanding primary-sector employers secure funding for worker education and training. Funds are generated by capturing employee income tax withholdings to repay loans, grants or self-financing options.
Applicants: Employers
Direct Beneficiaries: Employees and Employers
Operation Intern – A state-funded program available to North Dakota employers managed by the Youth Office of the Dept of Commerce. Provides up to $3,000 in matching funds per student/per term for a maximum of $6,000 per student, and a maximum of $30,000 per employer in a biennium.
Applicants: Employers who have an intern program.
Direct Beneficiaries: Students/Interns who gain experience. Employers who match dollars to have interns.
TrainND Southwest – State-supported program for the four designated training institutions of higher education (Lake Region State College, North Dakota State College of Science, Bismarck State College and Williston State College). Provides comprehensive, customized worker training to meet employer-defined needs. Designed to help North Dakota’s employers maximize productivity and excel in global competition. Note: While TrainND is operated through the four community colleges, its state funding allocation passes through the Department of Career and Technical Education. Their allocation is about 17% of their budget, with direct training fees coming from businesses (68%), and college contributions (15%) making up the remainder. Cost of training varies depending on employer needs.
Applicants: Employers looking for specific training that will be completed by outside trainer.
Direct Beneficiaries: Employers looking for skills, technical schools offering specific training, individuals who can receive additional training.
For more information regarding these programs please contact:
Stark Development Corporation
PO Box 765
Dickinson, ND 58602-0765
(701) 225-5997