Stark County Ag Statistics
2007 |
2002 |
% Change |
Number of Farms |
865 |
774 |
12% |
Land in Farms |
837,143 acres |
777,118 acres |
8% |
Crop Land 63.2% | ||||
Pasture 33.8% | ||||
Other Uses 3% | ||||
Average Size of Farm |
968 acres |
1,004 acres |
-4% |
Market Value of Production |
$96,812,000 |
$47,772,000 |
103% |
Crop Sales |
$63,674,000 (66 %) |
Livestock Sales |
$33,138,000 (34 %) |
Average Per Farm |
$111,922 |
81% |
Item |
Quantity |
State Rank |
Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold ($1,000) | ||||
Total Value of agricultural products sold |
96,812 |
27 |
Value of crops including nursery & greenhouse |
63,674 |
31 |
Value of livestock, poultry, and their products |
33,138 |
8 |
Value of Sales by Commodity Group ($1,000) | ||||
Grains, oilseeds, dry beans, and dry peas |
61,033 |
31 |
Tobacco |
0 |
0 |
Cotton and cottonseed |
0 |
0 |
Vegetables, melons, potatoes, and sweet potatoes |
(D) |
(D) |
Fruits, tree nuts, and berries |
0 |
0 |
Nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, and sod |
(D) |
(D) |
Cut Christmas trees and short rotation woody crops |
0 |
0 |
Other crops and hay |
2,374 |
18 |
Poultry and eggs |
16 |
19 |
Cattle and calves |
26,611 |
12 |
Milk and other dairy products from cows |
5,359 |
4 |
Hogs and pigs |
59 |
24 |
Sheep, goats, and their products |
243 |
12 |
Horses, ponies, mules, burros, and donkeys |
127 |
11 |
Aquaculture |
0 |
0 |
Other animals and other animal products |
127 |
19 |
(D) Cannot be Disclosed |
Top Livestock Inventory (number) | ||||
Cattle and calves |
60,586 |
10 |
Colonies of bees |
14,828 |
9 |
Horses and ponies |
1,975 |
5 |
Sheep and lambs |
1,168 |
10 |
Layers |
604 |
8 |
Top Crop Items (acres) | ||||
Wheat for grain, all |
259,747 |
6 |
Forage-land used for all hay and haylage, grass silage, and greenchop |
97,612 |
6 |
Sunflower seed, all |
13,037 |
28 |
Barley for grain |
11,123 |
36 |
Oats for grain |
10,545 |
6 |
Economic Characteristics |
Quantity |
Farms by Value of Sales | ||||
Less than $1,000 |
261 |
$1,000 – $2,499 |
42 |
$2,500 – $4,999 |
71 |
$5,000 – $9,999 |
54 |
$10,000 – $19,999 |
53 |
$20,000 – $24,999 |
8 |
$25,000 – $39,999 |
52 |
$40,000 – $49,999 |
32 |
$50,000 – $99,999 |
81 |
$100,000 – $249,999 |
104 |
$250,000 – $499,999 |
67 |
$500,000 or more |
40 |
Total Farm Production Expenses ($1,000) |
64,529 |
Average per Farm ($) |
74,600 |
Net Cash Farm Income of Operation ($1,000) |
44,105 |
Average per Farm ($) |
50,989 |
For more information please contact:
United States Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250
(800) 727-9540